i like def games but....
couple things wrong here. The game should go on untill you die, have the things fire back, it just isnt any fun all you can do is just sit there and shoot. make it so the objects cantake more then one hit when you hit them makes the game harder. and if you do make it go on for ever put levels in it so (ex every 10 maby 20 lvs a boss come and it looks just like you. basicaly its a cp) that would be awsome, and make the objects fall at fifferent speeds for every different colour. and for the cp make it stay on the top and havit shoot and it moves just like you and after every boss the game get just a little harder, and have the objects take damage when they fall behind you, have up grades after everylv, set a money prosantage for every enemy you kill and save game thing lives power line all that crap if you put this stuff in you game would be awsome :)