Grte game!
Awesome, a grate sequal to the other shark game. but the medals arent working. :(
I didn't get anyof them, and I took down almost every plane that came my way, including the nuke.
Grte game!
Awesome, a grate sequal to the other shark game. but the medals arent working. :(
I didn't get anyof them, and I took down almost every plane that came my way, including the nuke.
I cant rate a gmae I can't play :(
For some reason, the dman loading bar for the first level WENT THROUGH THE DAMN WINDOW! D: Seriously, is this glitched or something? I really liked the looks of this game.... atleast thel oading bar was fancy... before it started to lag, then whent through the loading bar....
It has freezing problems. it's isn't ,me, I have a brand new computer, but when i used the WX416, I just forze up, i'd be walking to one side and fring my gun, and i wouldn't even be touching the key board, it's grate game, but this stupid glitch just pisses me off so much, please fix it. :(
Numerous glitches hmmm investigating..
great game, just one question though.
the art and everything for this game is fantastic, and from the way he moves in the game, it reminds me of the mega man X games I use to play.
one question though. are the uildings in the background made with a 3D program? or was it all done in the normal 2D flash??
awesome game!
Loved it, very fun to play, have you ever decided in adding in medals to this game? I would love you if you did. :3
the game is glitched
its a great game. but for some creason, when you go to move, it sticks and you keep moving in the same direction, walking into a wall, or falling down a hole.
please fix the WASD/ arrow key movement. this is a really great game, it's just the one glitch that really ogt me. :(
there is still a bug
Awesome game. But when I went to go buy the golden gun, the screen behind the gun menue changed to the launching one and I couldn't get outo f the gun menue, screwing the entire game up for me. :(
awesome but
Woaw, dude!
I never actually thuoght that this game would have made it do the front page! :O and look! it has! :D What an easy way to advertise the MMO! the game is great! it really helps out with the story line for the MMO. the acting is superp. This game is actually very fun! you did a great job! :D
(I'm Zekain, lv 30 doctor)
It's great'n all,
The game is pure awesome! but the medals don't seem to work, I should have gotten some of them but I didn't. :(
You should really consider on making a log term game where start out at level 1 and travel around and what not. It would be a HUGE hit.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 6/8/07